Honeywell R-404A is a widely used HFC refrigerant gas commonly used in refrigeration systems. It is
particularly popular in commercial and industrial refrigeration, especially for systems requiring low- and
medium-temperature cooling, such as supermarkets, food storage, and transportation. Below is a comprehensive
description of Honeywell R-404A refrigerant gas, specifically focusing on its best attributes and characteristics.
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP): 0 (Non-ozone-depleting, making it an environmentally safer choice compared to
older refrigerants like R-12 and R-22) Global Warming Potential (GWP): 3,943 (R-404A has a relatively high GWP, which
is a concern for its long-term environmental impact, leading to the introduction of lower-GWP alternatives like R-448A and R-449A)
Specifications :
- HFC-125 (44%)
- HFC-143a (52%)
- HFC-134a (4%)
Physical Properties:
- Molecular Weight: 97.6 g/mol
- Boiling Point (Bubble Point at 101.3 kPa): -46.2°C
- Critical Temperature: 72.2°C
- Critical Pressure: 3,668.6 kPa
- Saturated Liquid Density at 26.7°C: 1,034.7 kg/m³
- Heat of Vaporization at Boiling Point: 35.8 kJ/kg
- Specific Heat of Vapor at 26.7°C and 101.3 kPa: 0.09 kJ/kg·°C
Environmental and Safety Information:
- Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP): 0
- Global Warming Potential (GWP): 3,943
- ASHRAE Safety Classification: A1 (lower toxicity, no flame propagation)
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